Particle Board
The plant has a manufacturing capacity of 6335 tonnes per annum of Particle Boards and a veneer slicing unit of capacity 2500 cubic meters per annum. The plant has recently been modernised and equipped by us with the state-of-the-art modern machines and equipment for manufacturing of flat pressed three layered/graded Particle Board. It manufactuers..
Exterior Grade phenol bonded teakwood Padrticle Board stamped with IS: 3087-1985, Grade - I
Interior grade urea bonded Particle Board stamped with IS:3087-1985,Grade - II
Teak/Commercial Veneered Particle Board in both Interior and Exterior grades conforming to IS: 3097-1980.
Prelaminated Particle Board in Interior grades stamped with IS: 12823-1990.
Prelaminated Particle Board in Exterior grades stamped to IS:12823-1990.
All the above grades are availbale in a range of thickness ranging grom 9mm, 12mm, 18mm, 21.5mm, 25mm to 35mm making them suitable for a large number of applications such as False ceiling, False flooring, Cupboards, Table Tops, Pelmets, Door Panel inserts, Flush doors, Partitioning, Panelling etc,. We would especially like to mention here our 35mm thick Plain Particle Board which is an effective option wherever floor trunking is required to be done.